Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sam Rockwell MOON's me.

This was originally supposed to only be a small review on Facebook's Flixter, but I just kept writing and writing.

I had to drive out quite a bit to catch Moon last night. I have to say it was well worth the gas and time. Relative new director Duncan Jones, brings a very stoic and quite Science FIction film to life. I don't want to give much away, I actually only heard it was good from some trusted sources and decided to jump in without viewing a trailer. It was worth the gamble, the film was probably one of the best Sci-Fi films I have seen in the past couple of years. Well this Sunshine and Star Trek. But it was the opposite of what Star Trek is. It wasn't big and sprawling, there were no big action set pieces or alien encounters. It dealt with an amazing Sam Rockwell, doing the best acting job of his career, and his loyal computer Gerty. Sam Rockwell plays astronaut Sam Bell, who works for the Lunar incorporation collecting H3 energy and sending it back to earth. He is signed a 3 year contract to be alone and collect data on the Moon. But towards the end of his tenure, things start to go a little crazy. Now the audience may have to take a bit of a leap within the first act of the film. But I chose to follow, and it was worth it. I'd say check it out, it's only in like 3 theaters in LA. I saw it at the Edwards University 8 in Irvine. I wish I had a better seat, but I tend to love the whole run down theater that shows art house films. It's almost like method movie watching. One more thing, there practical effects used in the film brought me back to a nostalgic time in my life. I used to love seeing models in movies, and i'm glad the feeling still resonates with me. There were a great deal of exterior model shots during the film, so I was glad to see they didn't have to resort to CGI. (Well they probably didn't have the money for it anyway.) All in all, Moon was great. I want to see it again, now knowing what I have in store for me I think I can truly get more out of it.

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